There are specific migraine stages that exist during the course of a migraine attack, both before, during, and after phases. It is important for chronic migraine sufferers to understand these migraine stages so that they can understand how each of the migraine stages are characterized in order to hopefully stop the migraine before it takes on full effect.
- Stage 1 – Prodrome. The symptoms that most often take place during this migraine stages will happen one to two days before the actual migraine attack takes place. These symptoms usually include constipation, depression, diarrhea, food cravings (especially cravings that are high in sugar or salt), hyperactivity, irritability, as well as neck stiffness. Although some individuals may experience the opposite and may experience symptoms such as giddiness, happiness, or being full of energy.
- Stage 2 – Aura. This migraine stages involves the occurrence of auras, which can be defined as being visual in nature but could also include sensory, motor, or even verbal disturbances. This stage is one that will normally begin gradually but then will build up over time and will most frequently last from 10 to 30 minutes. Some of the symptoms included in this migraine stages are: Visual occurrences (such as seeing various shapes, bright spots or flashes of light), loss of vision, sensations including pins and needles (usually in the arms or legs), as well as speech or language difficulties.
- Stage 3 – Attack. This is the migraine stages in which the most pain and discomfort takes place. In the attack phase the symptoms which are most commonly experienced are Pain in the head (usually unilaterally and often either pulsating and/or throbbing), sensitivity to light, sounds, and sometimes even smells, Nausea, Vomiting, Blurred Vision, Diarrhea, Lightheadedness, as well as sometimes even fainting.
- Stage 4 – Postdrome. This is the last of the migraine stages of the migraine attack. Individuals often have feelings of being drained or washed out, and can experience tenderness in the head, neck, as well as stomach.
Finding Relief
In order for a migraine sufferer to successfully prevent further migraine stages from occurring in the future they must first be able to identify with what their individual symptoms are when a migraine attacks begins. Once an individual begins to understand how the migraine stages are affecting them, then better migraine treatment options can be found. There are many options to preventing migraine stages, some options are the use of supplements for both prevention and treatment of migraines. Many studies and clinical trials have been completed with the use of individual supplements as well as combined supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula, and each of these individual trials have demonstrated that supplements are highly successful and beneficial to the migraine sufferer for providing relief.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine stages, migraine treatment, neurological condition, postdrome, prodrome, treating migraines, triggers, vomitting
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