Migraine risk factors are something to consider especially if you fear pain or have a very low pain tolerance than migraine education is very important. Educating yourself about migraine headaches is not a bad idea especially for those that have had to endure one. The pain of a migraine can become so severe that it renders the migraine patient useless throughout the migraines duration. The pain of a migraine is caused by the blood vessels in the brain enlarging and inflicting pain such as throbbing and pounding in the head right above the eye.
Other migraine symptoms can affect one’s cognitive abilities as well as their vision. When in a professional setting struggling to put together a comprehensive statement is important so battling with cognitive confusion is unprofessional, and blurred vision makes seeing difficult. Dizziness and nausea often follow the head pain and cognitive difficulties making standing and maneuvering nearly impossible. So if you have experienced a migraine before you might be wondering if another one is on the horizon so it is important to know the different risk factors to see if you are at a higher risk of living with chronic migraines. So what are the risk factors of a chronic migraine sufferer?
Family History
One of the leading migraine risk factors would have to be a long line of family history of chronic migraines. It seems as though if there is a family history of migraine headaches than one is at a higher risk of suffering from them.
One’s age plays a role in whether or not he or she is at risk for living with migraine pain on a consistent basis. The magic age for the most reoccurring migraines is between the ages of 20-55. Though migraines can be experienced during adolescence one does not usually struggle with chronic migraines until he or she reaches their twenty’s.
Women you are out of luck in the migraine department. It appears as though studies have shown that women make up 18% of the chronic migraine sufferers. Theory behind this staggering statistic is thought to be the fluctuation of a female’s hormones during her monthly cycle.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, Fatigue, hallucinations, migraine triggers, nausea, sensitivity to light or sound, strange food cravings, vertigo, vomiting, zigzag vision
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