Migraines are a painful condition that develops as a result of the blood vessels in the brain enlarging and creating painful symptoms. Migraines are often described as a throbbing, pounding feeling felt on one side of the head. The pain associated with migraine headaches have been known to last up to three days; during those three days, the blood vessels in the head keep expanding intensifying the level of pain being endured. Migraines can be brought on by one’s environment or a physiological change.
There are those who may be at a higher risk at developing migraines or living with reoccurring migraines. This article will discuss common migraine risk factors as well as list several practical lifestyle changes one can implement that could lessen the number of migraine headaches one experiences in a given year.
Gender plays a large role in one being at risk for re-occurring migraines. Out of the millions of men and women that suffer with migraines, a whopping 18% of them are women. It appears that women begin to experience more frequent migraines than men once they reach puberty. Once a woman reaches puberty, her estrogen hormone levels can become off balanced creating a physiological reaction known as menstrual migraines.
Age migraines are less frequent in adolescents under the age of fifteen. Till age fifty five migraine headaches can be a constant reoccurrence. Clinical studies have shown that children who experience migraines typically out grow them and do not suffer from them in adulthood unless other health concerns are evident.
Family Genetics sadly play a role in the risk of migraine headaches. Research has shown that those men and women that suffer from migraines can pass the migraine headaches down through genetics to their children or their grandchildren.
Medical Concerns are a huge risk factor. If an individual has in the past or is currently facing a medical history of depression, anxiety epilepsy or stroke, then they are at a higher risk of migraine headaches.
Migraine headaches are not always preventable but with a few simple to implement lifestyle changes one can help reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. Lifestyle changes, such as a set bed time, exercising daily, eating three meals a day and avoiding excessive amounts of caffeine, could help lessen migraine headaches from creeping in.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, menstrual migraines, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine risk factors, migraine treatment, natural migraine treatment, natural treatment
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