Treatments are difficult to nail down when trying to find the right one for your incurable condition of migraines. People have tried all sorts of methods but mainly prescriptions because they are the easiest to get ahold of and utilize on a regular basis. Yet for migraines, there are no designed meds, only meds for other conditions that seem to fit the migraine condition. This can be problematic though since side effects from the wrong use of meds often occur. I would recommend using a more natural or holistic method of migraine treatment such as: acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustment or herbal supplements from Mother Earth herself. The use of herbal supplements can be quite effective as herbal supplements can relieve many pains and symptoms brought on by migraines and other conditions without side effects. In years past, herbal, vitamins and minerals were never thought by the medical community as viable treatment options for any major condition. However, they are coming around to the idea as Feverfew extract can calm head pain naturally and riboflavin or B2 can energize the body to fight off the condition. But before we go into detail about the other treatments, we will need to gather some more info on the condition of migraines itself.
Learning How To Use Prescription Meds Responsibly
Most of the time, the herbal supplements will work but many doctor don’t recommend the supplement approach as there is less research done on them versus prescription meds. The top two prescription meds prescribed by most physicians are Triptans and Ergots. Triptans are a classification of prescription medications aimed to help in relieving migraine headaches. In particular Triptans are geared towards relieving the pressure associated with migraines. The two main functions of Triptans are to constrict blood vessels, and upset the process which leads to the migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that would inflict pain or irritation to the nerve in the first place. In general Triptans are usually only prescribed to migraine sufferers with moderate to severe migraine pain who have tried other forms of migraine treatment that did not work. The benefits of Triptans are that when used correctly they will reduce the amount of pain during a migraine. Triptans should be given early on during a migraine attack, as the sooner it’s taken the better it will work. However there is a negative side to Triptans. While being useful as a migraine treatment there are many side effects such as drowsiness, facial reddening, fatigue, tightening in the chest, tightening in the throat, and dizziness. Because Triptans work to narrow the blood vessels in order to relieve migraine pain, it can be dangerous because the narrowing of blood vessels can take place in other parts of the body such as in the arteries of the heart. For obvious reason, Triptans are much more dangerous to take for someone who has any form of coronary narrowing. So while Triptans do help to eliminate the pain from migraine one must ask if there are other options to relieve this pain that don’t carry quite as many risks and side effects.
Planning To Relax For Relief
I do recommend that you consult and gain advice with you primary care physician in order to determine the best migraine treatment option for you. You migraine treatment plan will be your first and last defense against the onslaught and devastation that a migraine can do. One of the migraine treatment options is therapeutic massage. When people think of massages, they envision a Swedish or deep-tissue massage which would normally bring great enjoyment and relaxation. However, for a migraine sufferer, it would totally be a mistake of ceasing the pain but it would create more of the already existent pain. The massage therapist will not focus on the large muscle groups that are targeted in deep-tissue massages but the small muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the bottom of the spine; these are the sub-occipital muscles. If massaged well and tension released, this migraine treatment can bring almost instant relief to the sufferer.
Feverfew Extract
Feverfew is commonly associated with migraine relief due to its natural ability to obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. Feverfew also prevents inflammatory substances from developing and increasing migraine pain levels. When researched, information revealed that feverfew can help reduce vomiting when undergoing a migraine as well as decrease the severity of the migraine attack.
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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