What is so wrong with prescription drugs? Well, if the medication you are prescribed is designed for the condition you have such as take blood pressure medication when you have high blood pressure or taking an anti-depressant if you have bouts of depression. The problem lies with conditions that have no designed meds attributed to them yet other meds are guessed to work yet bring with them frustrating and even medically harming side effects. This is the case with migraine headaches. If you have the chronic syndrome of migraines, your doctor will probably recommend the drugs of Triptans or Ergots as a suitable medication to be taken on a long term basis, yet I would caution against such things. Taking drugs that is not purposed for your condition but makes an OK Band-Aid can be more trouble than good. Use them for emergencies and only for short term use.
More Details On Prescription Drugs
In regards to migraine prescription medication, there is little that a doctor or a medical professional can prescribe. Triptans and Ergots are two newer migraine treatment medications that physicians starting prescribing chronic migraine sufferers. Triptans and Ergots are often prescribed as a preventative migraine treatment. Preventative implies that the medication is taken to reduce the chances of a migraine starting or worsening. Triptans and Ergots were two medications that seemed to be an effective migraine treatment until complaints starting surfacing involving further health problems and health risks such as:
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Chest Pain
- Kidney Failure
One reason that migraine sufferers would feel this way may have something to do with the treatments they have used or that has been prescribed to them to help relieve or ease migraine pain. Triptans and Ergots treated migraine pain by constricting or narrowing the arteries and blood vessels in order to prevent them from swelling and causing intense migraine pain. This method would work for some but for others it would narrow the blood vessels and arteries to much thus killing them or causing severe health problems. Anyone who has every suffered through a migraine may feel that there is no such thing as an effective migraine treatment. Why would one say that? There are several reasons that would lead a person into believing that there is no such thing as a migraine treatment that works.
Valerian Therapy
Valerian is a root that has been uncovered as a form of muscle relaxer. The use of Valerian is helpful in reducing stress, anxiety and even insomnia. Some have even made a Valerian Tea for some much needed sleepy time.
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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