It is easy to become confused in life especially when it comes to medical conditions and medical jargon. For those not in the medical field yet suffering with a chronic condition, dependence on a medical professional is needed in order to fully understand what is going on with his or her health. If a clear understanding is not had or a lack of communication between patient and physician is had, then several misconceptions can be had regarding his or her chronic migraines. When a misconception is had regarding migraine headaches, then a wrong treatment can be taken and the migraine patient is left suffering when he or she doesn’t have to.
A few of the misconceptions that can arise out of chronic migraines most commonly have to do with how the migraine develops, what causes the migraine and how to effectively treat a migraine. Confusion does not help fix or heal the problem it only makes matters worse and the only way a migraine sufferer can get relief is through educating his or her self on their chronic migraine condition. One mistake most individuals make in regards to migraine headaches is the definition of a migraine or what a migraine really is.
A Migraine Is Nothing More Than A Headache
Headaches and migraines are two separate things. A migraine develops in the brain and causes a chemical and physiological change in the body or an upset that causes severe side effects due to miserable symptoms. Migraines is had on a reoccurring basis implies a neurological condition and should be treated as such. Headaches develop spontaneously whereas a migraine develops more slowly and last for several hours. Headaches can be easily treated with over the counter medicines and some migraine sufferers have the misconception that a migraine can be just as easily treated and that is untrue.
The causes of a migraine are the last misconception we are going to discuss. Very little information is known regarding what causes a migraine to develop. Medical professionals have tried to understand what causes one but sadly they have yet to pinpoint a main cause. The information that has surfaced regarding possible migraine causes has to do with a lack of magnesium in the body or the encounter of migraine triggers. Migraine triggers are environmental and or physiological that causes an upset in the body.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, Magnesium, migraine headaches, migraine triggers, Migraines, neurological condition, physiological change, pounding, Throbbing
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