There are several things in life that can cause an emotional breakdown and migraines would most definitely fall into the category of reasons why one would have a meltdown. Migraine meltdowns may look differently from migraine sufferer to migraine sufferer. However, some form of a breakdown happens whether it is an emotional one, physical or a decrease in productivity at home and work; migraine headaches have a way of making an individual lose control of their normal cool composure.
A migraine headache is debilitating due to the blood vessels in the brain expanding and releasing harmful chemicals into the brain to attack the brains arteries. Throughout this process, the migraine meltdown slowly begins to build until a climatic explosion of tears, nausea and irritability funnel out of control and the only solace that can be had is in a dark and quiet place. Migraines are more complex than a headache and are considered to be a neurological condition, those who have never experienced a migraine may not understand how challenging it is to function or be cordial when you feel as though your head will explode.
Family members of chronic migraine sufferers will learn rather quickly ways to avoid upsetting the migraine victim and should find simple ways to help make life easier and less stressful for their family member when a migraine attack happens. Preplanned meals, chore charts and childcare are simple steps that can be taken to help alleviate stress while undergoing a migraine. Steps such as these become vital to the family function for chronic migraine sufferers. Chronic migraine sufferers tend to learn symptoms and warning signs that give them a heads up that a migraine may soon be approaching, learning these warning signs can help migraine patient’s better plan for their attacks and lessen the number of migraine meltdowns.
Treating Migraines
Once a migraine has begun, there is much one can do but sit and wait it out , during the early preemptive warning signs; if migraine treatment is sought, then one can shorten the migraine duration. Treating migraines with supplements such as Ginger, Feverfew, Gingko Biloba and other natural ingredients will lessen migraine occurrences.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines
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