There are many opinions and thoughts about migraine medication and whether or not it is a safe effective migraine treatment. This particular article will discuss the pros and cons of migraine treatment and then leave it up to the reader to decide what he or she thinks and feels about the matter. I believe that education and knowledge is power, therefore this article will hopefully educate chronic migraine patients on the benefits and pitfalls of prescription medications. I am also a firm believer in making your own choices and not feeling pressured into one way of thinking therefore my goal is not to sway readers one or another.
Before we start, I will share my personal thoughts regarding migraine treatment and which methods and approach I believe are safe and effective ones. I personally suffer with chronic migraines and have learned that my body does not respond well to medications. I am overly sensitive to the point that simple nighttime over the counter medicines leave me groggy for days. Most prescription medications cause me to hallucinate therefore I typically choose a natural approach to treatment –even in child birth.
Understanding And Non-Judging
I understand that not every person on the face of the planet is made the same. If we were, life would be boring and most doctors would be out of work; hence why I believe that what may work for me may not work for someone else. Now, we will get back to migraines and migraine medications the pros and cons of each. Migraine medications used in the treating of migraines typically falls into the following categories:
- Antidepressants
- Antiseizure Medication
- Blood Pressure Pills
- Triptans
- Ergots
The first three medications listed as you may know are not designed or formulated with migraines in mind, therefore the use of the first three medications mentioned have helped minimally in the treating of migraines. The last two medications mentioned are designed and formulated to help those suffering with chronic migraines they are powerful medications that most medical professionals do not prescribe to every migraine sufferer. Here is why: triptans and ergots are designed to help restrict or narrow the arteries in the brain in hopes of limiting or preventing a migraine from occurring. Triptans and Ergots have proven to be an effective migraine treatment which would be pros for medication.
The con to the use of triptans and ergots is that they do their job so well that there are times that they constrict or narrow the arteries to the point of which a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure occurs. The side effects associated with triptans and ergots is why medical professionals are so careful as to who they prescribe them too.
For those who are like me and their body does not respond well to medications there are several migraine treatment options that can be viewed, researched and discussed with your primary physician. Alternative migraine treatment options would include:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Vitamin Supplements
- Herbal Supplements – Migraine Support Formula
As you can see the choices are many, therefore research for yourself and decide which migraine treatment approach is best for you.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Ergots, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment, natural treatment, Prescription medication, Throbbing, treating migraines, Triptans
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