Hazards surround our everyday living whether they be weather related, health issues and or emotional. In the course of life, there are no avoiding hazards so the goal is to find a way to prepare or plan for hazards – if possible. One particular hazard that is difficult to prepare or plan for would be a migraine headache. A Migraine headache has the power to create a whirlwind of pain and misery for whichever victim it chooses leaving him or her incapacitated for several years. How does a migraine form such power?
A migraine forms in the brain and can cause a chemical disturbance in the victim’s brain rendering him or her powerless over the migraine storm. A migraine develops in the brain when a person comes into contact with a migraine trigger. A migraine trigger can be either environmental or physiological upsets such as: weather, stress, hormones, foods, alcohol, flashing lights and odors. The blood vessels in the brain begin to expand once a trigger has been made contact with; as the blood vessels expand, a series of painful sensations such as throbbing / pounding limits the migraine sufferer’s cognitive abilities. The enlarged blood vessels increase their war on the brain by letting go of a harmful chemical into the brain with the sole purpose of attacking the brains arteries.
Treatment Solution
The released chemical sets off even more complicated and painful symptoms that leave a migraine sufferer seeking diligently for some form of a migraine treatment. Intense pain could drive a person into seeking any type of treatment he or she could find even if the treatment is unsafe. Migraine medications such as: antidepressants, antiseizure medicines, triptans and ergots may prove to be helpful in the relief of migraines somewhat but the complications and side effects that these medications bring can be life threatening.
The most coveted form of treatment would have to be the use of triptans but the risk with their use is hazardous. Side effects are dangerous and could be life threatening if used on a regular basis. Rather than migraine medications such as the one’s listed there are natural alternatives to treating migraines that are safe and effective.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Riboflavin, stress
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