Modern medicine has made it incredibly easy to find pain relief for almost every painful ailment known to mankind. The pharmaceutical industry is a safe industry to invest in due to the simple fact that no one enjoys pain and no one desires to live with and in chronic pain. For decades, prescription medication has been approved as a form of treatment for those suffering with migraine headaches. Migraine headaches create an intense physiological change in the body that could last up to three days.
Migraines are more than just a glorified headache; blood vessels in the head begin to enlarge releasing chemicals in the brain. The released chemicals attack arteries in the brain creating a series of painful symptoms such as: nausea, paleness, sensitivity to light, a throbbing pain on one side of the head and even vomiting. Symptoms such as the ones mentioned limit the amount of productivity a person suffering with a migraine can have throughout a day. One of the leading causes for missed work worldwide is the result of migraine headaches.
In tough economic times, people cannot afford to miss work so they seek out migraine relief and often feel they have found it in a bottle labeled “prescription”. Prescription medication prescribed to migraine suffers are used to relieve migraine symptoms or as a tool in helping prevent migraine attacks. Often times, a doctor might prescribe an anti-depressant or blood pressure medication to those who complain of chronic migraines. Within the last ten years, doctors began prescribing migraine patients Triptans and Ergots to help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
Triptans is a substance found in plants and fungi and has the distinct ability to attach to the serotonin receptors on the blood vessels and their surrounding nerves. Triptans are able to help reduce migraine symptoms and prevent a migraine suffer from becoming immobile during the duration of their migraine attack. Triptans are to be taken when the start of the migraine symptoms begin in order to be effective.
The negative thing about Triptans is the risk involved in taking them. One taking Triptans can experience any of the following:
- Drowsiness
- Facial Reddening
- Fatigue
- Chest Tightening
- Tightness In The Throat
- Dizziness
Triptans are successful in that they restrict the amount of blood flow. The goal is to narrow the arteries to the brain in order to prevent them from enlarging. The danger is that Triptans could narrow the arteries of the heart as well creating serious heart conditions.
Triptans are designed to restrict blood vessels; however, ergots are not nearly as safe as Triptans in that they are designed to narrow the blood vessels to the heart and other vital organs. It is vital that a complete physical is accomplished and reported before administration of any prescription medication is had.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, migraine, migraine attack, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine treatment, pounding, Prescription medication, Throbbing, Triptans
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