People who suffer from migraine headaches have different types of treatment options that they can pursue depending on the type of migraine they have. Many migraines involve pain on one side of the head, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity of light, noise, and smells. Other migraines can be silent with no actual pain from the headache. Many times migraines include aura, which are sensory or motor disturbances.
Whatever type of migraine plagues you, there is a new innovative treatment that uses magnetic energy to bring relief to migraine sufferers. The device has been researched in the U.K. and the latest research shows that after three months of treatment with this device, 73% of patients using the device had relief or reduction of headache pain from migraines.
Headache specialists around the U.K. are prescribing a non-invasive single pulse spring Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation device (TMS). This comes in the wake of a recent warning from the U.K.’s National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) that using too many painkillers can cause headaches.
The new data was taken from a study involving 60 migraine patients who were treated with the TMS device. Scientists believe that the magnetic pulse of the device somehow short-circuits the electrical storm that takes place in the brain when a migraine starts to form. Of the total amount of patients, 53%, over half, experienced a reduction in the number of headache days. As stated previously, 73% claim reduction in pain from their headaches. Also, TMS improved other symptoms of migraine in 63% of the trial participants. These symptoms included vertigo, nausea, memory problems, and sensitivities to light and noise.
The device itself costs a little less than $800 and has the size and weight of a portable radio. The manner in which the patient uses the device makes the difference in how well the device works against the headache. When a patient senses a migraine occurring, he or she holds the device to the back of the head and pushes a button. This sends a brief magnetic pulse into the brain. One patient reported that the device really worked for his migraines. The key to how well the device worked has to do with timing. This patient reported that he had to use the device as soon as he felt the migraine coming on. Then when he used the TMS device, the migraine stopped.
From another trial, researchers say that the TMS device offers efficient pain relief for up to 48 hours for migraine patients without any serious side effects. Patients who realize that their medications just do not help with their symptoms would no longer be dependent on migraine drugs for relief. The TMS device offers new hope and innovative treatment for migraine sufferers.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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