Migraine prescriptions are one of the easiest migraine treatment options to utilize of a regular basis and most doctors will hand these out without even blinking an eye. Since there is no cure for migraines, you have to use a migraine treatment option to minimize the effect that the symptoms of the migraine has on you. Now I am not against all medications as sometimes there is no other choice but in the case of migraines, there are safer and more efficient options available to the end consumer; and since the condition isn’t ever going to go away you might want to consider the long term ramifications of using prescription drugs as a permanent option for your migraine treatment. Triptans and Ergots are the most common meds prescribed and can bring with them more side effects than help because they were never designed for long term therapeutic migraine use. Consult with two or more physicians to see if there are any other holistic or natural migraine treatments which can do just as good of a job as the Triptan or Ergot.
Don’t Be Robbed
A migraine headache can rob a person of his or her time, joy, energy and financial stability. When a migraine develops, it creates a chemical shifting in the brain, thus setting off a series of miserable symptoms that can leave a person holed up in a dark quiet place for several days. Suffering with a migraine headache of this caliber can become rather intense. The migraine patient is left with nothing more he or she can do but to call in from work, cancel plans and seek refuge until the pain subsides. There are a number of treatments for migraine relief on the market and some are safer than others. I recommend to you a choice: consult with your primary care physician to determine which of the following migraine treatment options are best for you and your health:
- Acupuncture – Chinese medicine goes way back and in spite of how odd it may seem, acupuncture brings about some amazing results with very few side effects. According to Chinese medical law, placing a needle along specific energy centers of the body will help aid in the healing of many ailments, including those pesky vascular headaches.
- Massage Therapy – Due to the fact that neck / back tension is common trigger for the onset of a migraine attack, getting a release from that tension can be the relief from the symptoms and the migraine itself. Yet be warned, a deep-tissue or Swedish massage will actually cause more harm than good. A trained massage therapist will not focus on the big muscle groups but the small muscle group that run along the neck down to the base of the spine called the sub-occipital.
Tags: herbal supplements, Migraine Medications, Migraine Support Formula, Prescription medication, side effects, Triptans
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