So little information has surfaced in regards to what causes chronic migraine headaches. In fact, very few people really know or understand what goes on when a migraine headache develops and progresses. It may seem hard to believe that just a few years ago there was even less information about migraines, migraine causes and migraine treatments. Though it may not seem like it to chronic migraine sufferers, modern technology and modern day research has made great headway in unveiling new information surrounding migraines, migraine development and migraine treatment.
When it comes to the causes of migraines, there is still much research being done on the subject; however research teams have discovered some interesting possibilities that may help one day break through the migraine cause confusion and provide scientist with real definite answers. It seems after much testing, studying and cross examining that migraine triggers may play a role or part in the cause of a migraine headache. Migraine triggers are factors that set the stage or play a role in the onset of a migraine headache. Migraine triggers can be either an environmental or physiological upset that causes the migraine prone individual to be more susceptible or vulnerable to a migraine attack.
Migraine Triggers
Once a migraine trigger has been encountered, the migraine prove individual has only a small window of opportunity to implement a migraine treatment plan before it is too late. As a migraine trigger is encountered several things begin to take place. The first step in the development of a migraine is the blood vessels enlarging; as the blood vessels enlarge they release a harmful chemical into the brain to attack the brain arteries. The attacking of the brains arteries causes painful and debilitating symptoms to manifest and the migraine victim is left motionless for several days. The following is a list of little culprits that have a hand in the manifestation of a severe migraine headache.
- Stress
- Weather – change in barometric temperature
- Foods- chocolate, aged cheese
- Alcohol
- Hormones – estrogen fluctuation
- Flashing lights
- Odors – perfume, body odor, cigarette smoke
Migraine triggers are not always avoidable; this is why it is important that a migraine prone individual seeks out a migraine treatment plan. So that once a migraine trigger has been encountered, the treatment can be implemented.
Tags: blood vessels enlarging;, body odor, cigarette smoke, debilitating symptoms, estrogen fluctuation, headache, migraine headache, migraine headaches, migraine triggers, perfume, treating migraines
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