As women, there are times it seems we get the short end of the stick in several different aspects of life. When it comes to marriage, we are the ones that has to get all our documents legally changed with our new last name, we are the ones that carry the children and then take care of them when they are sick, household responsibilities also fall into our lap on top of other domesticated tasks. Women wear multiple hats and at times we loathe the role we play and all that is expected from us.
Once a month, it seems as though our roles as woman takes on a whole new frustrating nightmare. You ladies reading this article know what I am talking about, that miserable little friend that comes to visit each month and leaves a whole lot of chaos in her path. The menstrual cycle of a woman has been known to cause a stir in a women disposition, attitude and even her chemical balances. The menstrual cycle is just one of the body’s ways of cleansing itself and to help keep the body healthy, however that little piece of knowledge does not take away the fact that menstrual cycle is not painful and a miserable thing to endure.
Menstrual Migraines
If dealing with a monthly period was not bad enough, some women not only endure the pains of their menstrual cycle but they also endure a migraine as a result of their monthly menstrual cycle. Menstrual migraines affect millions of women and attack before, during or directly after their monthly cycle. Menstrual migraines occur as a result of the fluctuation of a woman’s estrogen levels during the course of her period. The loss of estrogen during or around the time of a monthly cycle sets of a chemical imbalance thus leaving her prone to a migraine attack.
To help lessen the nightmare of a menstrual migraine, it may be helpful to track when your monthly cycle begins and when you begin to notice the first signs that a migraine is on the way. By tacking how you feel, it is much simpler to implement a preventative migraine treatment before the migraine worsens or even starts.
Tags: Chronic migraine, menstrual cycle, menstrual migraines, migraine, migraine attack, preventative migraine treatment, symptoms, treating migraines
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