Now with so many conditions out there, you don’t to have one that could incapacitate you for several days sneak up on you. This is exactly what migraines will do if you are not prepared for it. One way you can prepare for a migraine attack is to be taking or utilizing a migraine treatment therapy on a regular basis. Now these treatment options come in either a prescribed medication or a natural therapy like chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture. Another way to stop migraines from sneaking up on you is to avoid many of the triggers that are catalysts of the migraine condition. These triggers could be anything from excessive exercise like going up and down stairs too quickly or food related issues like coffee or diet sodas. Learning what triggers you is key to help minimize the symptoms and the frequencies of the migraine attacks.
The Aura Stage Of A Migraine
Stage two hits not long before the actual headache settles in, this phase is called migraine aura and begins to show up twenty to sixty minutes before the intense migraine headache symptoms begin. Symptoms that come with the migraine aura stage typically affect vision and produce the following symptoms:
- Flashing Lights
- Blank Spots
- Zigzag lines
- Vertigo
- Black spots in eyes
- Temporary Blindness
CSD or Cortical Spreading Depression is also a key symptom and is even suspected to be a key contributor to the start of a migraine to begin with. It starts at the back of the head and travels slowly to the front causing the nerves to be depressed in their response to impulses. It is important that friends, family and employers are notified during this stage that over the next few days you may be somewhat out of sorts as you cope with your migraine headache. Finding a dark quiet place to rest is important during this stage so that the migraine attack does not intensify.
A Formula That Will Actually Work For You
The Migraine Support Formula is one of the best, most effective and safest migraine treatments available to the public today. It is comprised of a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that when they work together, they help minimize the length and intensity of the migraine attacks. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine Support Formula are: Water-soluble riboflavin, Magnesium Citrate, Feverfew, Ginger, Coenzyme Q10, Ginko Biloba, White Willow Bark, Valerian, Butterbur, 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). Here are a few of the ingredient’s breakdowns:
- Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 also referred to as CoQ10 is a vitamin like substance that helps generates energy in the body in the form of ATP. This Vitamin is one of the greatest anti-oxidants your body has and when you stop oxidizing, you stop sickness, aging and yes…migraines.
- Ginko Biloba – Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation. It can help calm depression, anxiety and other mood issues. It can even affect some change with patients who have extreme vertigo as a symptom.
And Other Treatments On The Side
The only relief from the migraine attack is through the regular usage of a migraine treatment option; there are many options available and you should consult with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment option is the best for you. Here are a few of the choices and their particulars:
- Chiropractic Adjustment – Neck and back tension is a key trigger to the migraine process and if you can’t massage the tension away, you might try an alignment; the source might not be muscle related but spinal related.
- Massage Therapy – When going to massage out the neck and back tension that common among migraine sufferers, it is vital that a professional therapist trained in migraine relief is the one that works on you since the wrong technique can intensify your condition.
- Acupuncture – Chinese medicine teaches that if you insert needle along key energy channels, you then can alleviate the ailments, at least most of them, from your health. This form of non-evasive treatment can be very helpful for treating migraines and has very few side effects.
Tags: aura, headache, migraine stages, migraine treatment, Migraines, postdrome, prodrome, stages of migraines
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