I do not handle changes well at all; in fact when my schedule is interrupted or something unforeseen happens, I literally go into a complete full blown panic attack. If you do not believe me ask my hubby; he will vouch for my insanity during one of his many and oh so very common schedule shifts. I love order and structure and think a day is only a good one if and when everything is done. I know I must sound like a real prude; I promise you I am not I just love structure.
So whenever a migraine headache is on the horizon, I have one of two options make the most of it or melt down. I would be lying if I said that I usually make the most of it, however I have learned a few tricks that can help me make the most of a horrible migraine situation. Migraines as most sufferers know bring with them a series of debilitating pain and symptoms thus causing limitations and setback in a busy life. Being a mother and income provider I had to think of creative and effective ways to help cope with my debilitating migraine headaches while still juggling, a career mommy hood and all the domestic hats that most women wear.
Getting Organized
The first step in making the most of my migraine situation was to seek out all the information I could find on migraine headaches, causes and migraine treatments. After I compiled all the information I found, I decided to speak with a professional about using natural ingredients to treat my migraines rather than medications due to the side effects associated with them. Once I determined that the best migraine treatment for me would be the Migraine Support Formula, I then proceeded with my next step – getting organized for the BIG week.
Migraines last several days, therefore I need to have a plan or strategy in place for those days. I arranged for transportation for my child, informed my employer of my chronic condition and asked for work to do from my home on those days and lastly I took a whole day and prepped my freezer with several crock pot meals that were prepped, healthy homemade and ready to go, so that when dinner time came, my husband had to do nothing more than open the freezer bag and pour the ingredients in and turn on! There are ways to make the most of a painful situation it just takes time and a little bit of ingenuity.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, neurological condition, treating migraines
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