Every person on the face of the planet has had one of those days where they feel like doing nothing but lounging around in their pajamas; here at my house, we have them often. There is something refreshing about taking a day to do nothing but spend time with those you care about watching old movies and cartoon reruns. It is during these rare lazy days that all work and responsibility is put on a shelf and all functionality ceases.
If only it could become mandatory that everyone is required to take one of these lazy days, I truly believe there would be fewer “sick days” and the human race would be healthier. Why do I believe this? One of the leading causes for missed work and lack of productivity is due to migraine headaches. If you have ever researched migraines, you may have come across information regarding migraine triggers. Research has shown that stress plays a factor in the onset of a migraine headache.
Taking time away from work and the hustle and bustle of everyday life could increase functionality and productivity at work and at home. I understand that vacation days are for the sole purpose of recouping and rejuvenating; however, vacation time is typically used to visit family or take a family vacation out of state and very little rest and relaxation is had on vacation. Stress, sleep disturbances and hormones are just a few of the many migraine triggers that can set off a series of painful migraine symptoms that leave migraine patients looking for a treatment.
Debilitating Symptoms
Migraine symptoms, such as: nausea, vomiting, constipation, cognitive confusion, blurred vision and throbbing head pain, are just a few of the complained about symptoms associated with chronic migraine headaches. Migraine symptoms worsen over the duration of the migraine and can leave an individual incapacitated for several days.
Migraine Treatment
Migraine treatment is the only way migraine suffers can get a handle on their intense migraine pain. There are several different migraine treatment options some of which are considered to be unconventional yet effective. Prescription medication is one of the leading forms of treatment; the problem with medication is that it can lead to various side effects. Acupuncture, massage therapy, biofeedback, physiotherapy and chiropractic manipulation are among the unconventional methods to relieve migraine pain. Vitamin and herbal supplements are quite possibly the most effective form of migraine treatment available; they are safe and have proven to be just as effective as prescription medication. For a full list of vitamin and herbal supplements, speak with your doctor.
Tags: Butterbur, Feverfew, Ginger, headache, herbal remedies, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, White Willow Bark Extract
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13 years ago
These pieces really set a stanrdad in the industry.