For those that suffer from the debilitating disease called migraine you would be in luck today as we are going to discuss the symptoms and treatments for such an illness. Now first off, migraine is not a disease that can be cure by antibiotic or a large dose of penicillin. Migraine is actually a condition that one can live with and suffer from for the rest of their natural life. Migraine is known for the symptom that they inflict onto their victims and these symptoms can vary depending on the person who is suffering at the time. Some people get the emotional symptoms of depression or anxiety while other have more physiological issues such as neck / back tension or vision problems. Most every migraine sufferer though will experience the intense and unrelenting head pain which leave the patient without a way to cope. Yet through all of this, there is hope and it is found through the consistent use of a migraine treatment option. Migraine treatment options do not cure the condition but they do quell the symptoms so the migraine victim can live a somewhat normal life.
Bring On The Pain
Stage three is the migraine headache stage. It is here where the migraine takes root and bares down to implement the worst of the headache symptoms on the migraine victim. It is during the migraine headache stage that intense head pain is had as well as the following symptoms:
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Pounding In The Head
- Vomiting
- Unilateral pain felt above the eye or in the back of the head
Being able to focus is a tough commodity during a migraine onslaught. Comprehension and functionality is limited during this stage and the best form of treatment is silence finding a dark room and implementing your migraine treatment plan if one is in place.
Tripping Out Towards Relief
Triptans are a collection of tryptamine-based drugs. Tryptamine is a monoamine alkaloid that can be found in certain vegetation such as plants, fungi and animals. Triptans are used as a tool to prevent migraines from being successful in completely immobilizing an individual. Because of triptans unique ability to attach to the serotonin receptors on the blood vessels and the surrounding nerves, they can help reduce and in some cases completely stop migraine headaches from occurring. Triptans are typically only prescribed to migraine sufferers that experience moderate to severe migraine pain and even then other forms of migraine treatment will be discussed and ruled out before a doctor will recommend or suggest a triptan.
If used correctly, Triptans will reduce the amount of pain felt and increase in its effectiveness. Triptans should be administered when the early signs and symptoms of a migraine begin to be felt. Taking one after the pain has settled in will reduce the effectiveness and increase the chances for side effects as well as a migraine relapse. The most common side effects associated with triptans are but not limited to:
- Drowsiness
- Facial Reddening
- Fatigue
- Tightening In The Chest
- Tightening In The Throat
- Dizziness
The role Triptans play in releasing migraine pain is due to the affect triptans have on the restriction of blood vessels or the narrowing of them to prevent them from enlarging and creating migraine pain. Though narrowing is part of their job, it can also have a reverse effect by not only narrowing the arteries in the head but also create a narrowing of the arteries in the heart. This becomes increasingly dangerous for those individuals that have already experienced some form of coronary narrowing. The narrowing caused by the triptans could lead to further narrowing resulting in a heart attack or stroke.
A Migraine Supplement And Aspirin?
White willow bark is a tree native to parts of Asia and gets its name from the color of the tree’s leaves. This has been a treatment for centuries. Before the printed word, people were advised to take a piece of the bark and chew on it to help relieve fever and inflammation. Now, thanks to modern research, further information on the White Willow Bark has been uncovered shedding further light on how one can pick a natural answer for treating aches, pains, fevers, inflammation. The active substance salicin found in white willow bark has since been used to formulate aspirin. The herb is still used today to treat several mild conditions and is often preferred over aspirin because it is less acidic and easier on the stomach lining.
Ginger Root Power
One reason why triptans have been so successful in relieving migraine pain is their innate ability to attach to serotonin receptors helping aid in reducing the triggers that cause migraine pain. Ginger on the other hand is 100% natural, safe and has the ability to attach to human serotonin receptors to help reduce migraine triggers that cause migraine pain.
Tags: headaches, migraine attacks, migraine treatment, Migraines, side effects, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headachce
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