While affecting millions of American every year, migraines still tend to sneak up on people because these sufferers don’t look out for the warning signs of an impending migraine attack. These warning signs occur after a migraine trigger has been encountered by the individual yet before the serious symptoms of the migraine process take place. The phase of the process in which these symptoms occur that give warning is called the Prodrome stage of the migraine. The symptoms that could be experienced as a warning are: depression, irregular urination patterns, diarrhea, food cravings, fatigue, loss of sleep, loss of focus, anxiety, and even constipation. To know these warning signs can give you the edge you need to plan your day or week based on the impending migraine attack.
Pill Problems
The side effects associated with the use of prescription medications can cause a roadblock on the path to migraine freedom and healthiness. What started out as a kind meaning has since turned into a health menace and frustration. Prescription medications used today would include medications such as triptans and ergots as well as medications such as the antidepressants, blood pressure pills and antiseizure medicines; medications such as these have been known to cause several intensive side effects such as heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure as well as various emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and even suicidal tendencies.
Some Other Symptoms That Might Plague You
Migraine symptoms are what make up the worse part of the migraine. Head pain is painful and can cause a few delays; however, it is the symptoms that cause the biggest delay and limitation on an individual. Migraine symptoms can cause not only debilitation but spells of confusion and lack of clarity of the mind. The list below is just a few of the debilitating symptoms you may face throughout his or her migraine journey.
• Blurred Vision
• Nausea
• Sensitivity to light and sound
• Vomiting
• Constipation
• Hallucinations and lack of mental focus
You Don’t Need A Prescription
If you use a migraine treatment option to help stop your migraines, it doesn’t have to be a prescription that a doctor gave you; you can choose a natural form of treatment which will be more beneficial and safer too. Treatments, like massage therapy, chiro adjustment, acupuncture and even supplements, can help you minimize the symptoms and give you some relief from the pain.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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