Headaches are just headaches! Or are they? Migraines differ from the ordinary pain in the head because they are so painful and make you feel like your head is about to explode. They can happen at any time of the day, anywhere and to anyone, although some people are more apt to get one. Known as a mental illness, migraines are actually a medical condition or neurological disorder that is generally thought to be genetically inherited. Women get migraines a lot more than men. All ages come down with migraines and have been proven in children as young as 18 months; nevertheless, migraines occur most often between the ages of 15 and 55.
The pain associated with these painful headaches range in intensity and duration as well as the location. Not fully understood and often misdiagnosed, because of the symptoms mimicking other diseases, migraines can be very complex in its nature. Migraines can and very often affect other parts of the head such as the eyes (vision), ears (hearing impairment), and cognitive thinking (problem solving), or memory. Having certain types of migraines can really make life hard for some individuals, and in some instances disabled.
There are many types of migraine. During the classic migraine an aura appears approximately 30 minutes before the headache and goes away with the onset of the pain. The aura resembles squiggly lines, bright flashes of light or blurred vision. The sense of smell, touch or taste might also be affected along with other sensory symptoms such as tingling and numbness in the hands, and “fuzzy” thinking.
Hemiplegic migraine is not widely known and causes a temporary paralysis that resembles a stroke, making this form of migraine hard to diagnose.
Hormonal migraines occur in women and are due to changes or fluctuations of hormone levels in and around puberty or the onset of menopause.
Nocturnal migraines are attacks happening in the middle of the night. It will awaken the person right out of sleep. Taking pain relieving medication and elevating the body from the waist up will normally bring sleep back.
These are some of the varieties of migraines experienced. One thing is for certain: there is no cure. Managing and coping with migraines are all you can do right now.
Tags: Caffeine, migraine attack, Migraine causes, migraine symptoms, migraine triffers, sleep, stress
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