Migraines can be stopped if you know what to look for yet you have to be using a migraine treatment on a regular basis in order to really stop the migraine or at least minimize the intensity of the symptoms. Here is the trick: look out for migraine warning signs and avoid any possible triggers as much as physically possible. The problem comes in when you try avoid trigger because triggers could be anything from fatigue to hunger to bright lights to your neighbor down the street; well, maybe not your neighbor but the point is that you can’t avoid them all even if they are the catalysts for the migraine process. Now once a trigger is encountered, the prodrome stage begins and this is where you can view the warning signs which tend to be masked as other issues such as: diarrhea, depression, dizziness, anxiety or even fatigue. They will alert you on an incoming migraine attack.
Learning The Truth
The truth is one could spend every hour of their day trying to avoid triggers and common risk factors but neither of the steps mentioned is 100% effective in preventing a migraine from creeping in, causing pain and frustration. So, what you need is a migraine treatment option. There are many migraine treatment options; some are good and safe while other can be effective yet can come with more side effects than one would want to deal with. Weigh your options carefully as some treatments have even caused death in rarity. Here are some of the treatment option supplements that aid in migraine prophylaxis:
• Butterbur – Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the number of migraine attacks was reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
• 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – 5 – Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP is an amino acid found in food and is a forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By adding more 5-HTP one can raise their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
• Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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