It’s really hard to live with a debilitating condition that can put you flat on your back without a given word. Migraines is one of those condition that can cause you to miss work, family events and other important engagements. So what can one do to stop this horrible condition? Well, there is not a cure at this point but there are treatment options that will help minimize the effects the symptoms have on you. These treatments can be prescription based or naturally based therapies and techniques like acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment or herbal supplements. Find the right one for you in order to gain the freedom and built up immunity toward the migraine episodes.
How A Migraine Will Affect You
Migraines affect the vascular system within the brain; they are defined as an intense throbbing or pulsating headache, usually lasting from 4 hours to 3 days. They can bring about debilitating symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound. These symptoms can often abruptly interfere with everyday life. The shear frustration of not knowing when a migraine will occur is one of the most irritating complications in regards to migraine sufferers. However, it is important to know that many migraines will often begin as the result of certain triggers like nutritional, environmental, or physical, and also including stressors. If an individual can begin to understand what their particular triggers are then living life with less (or hopefully no) migraines can become a real possibility. Adequate rest (but not oversleeping) is also of vital importance to those who are seeking migraine treatment.
Don’t Do Things On The Spur Of The Moment
Planning ahead is a vital lifestyle change if it is not already implemented into your migraine treatment routine. Life tends to be full of surprise especially when you have migraines on chronic rotation, so planning your events in advance can help with any rushing around which can make more susceptible to migraine triggers. Now when you plan these events, they need to be done under the understanding that a migraine will incapacitate you and make you unable to participate in the said event. Therefore, communication is key when you struggle consistently with migraine headaches and thinking clearly or forward thinking will give you the upper hand over your migraine condition. Another important lifestyle change that will make coping with migraine easier is to accept change. Accepting that your life, activities you enjoyed and other personal interest points may be null and void after you have a migraine diagnosis. This is because there are some activities or personal preferences that will actually intensify your migraine condition. Consult with your doctor to determine if there are any other lifestyle changes that need to be made.
The Best Natural Solution To Migraine Treatments
The Migraine Support Formula is a natural formula thus making it a safe supplement that can be taken every day to help with the prevention of migraine headaches with no adverse side effects that are commonly associated with other migraine treatments such as Triptans or Ergots, key prescription meds. This formula contains only the natural ingredients that have shown through clinical studies to be the most effective in treating migraine symptoms. The natural ingredients found in the Migraine support Formula are: Water-soluble riboflavin, Magnesium Citrate, Feverfew, Ginger, Coenzyme Q10, Ginko Biloba, White Willow Bark, Valerian, Butterbur, 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine). Here are a few of the ingredient’s breakdowns:
- Riboflavin – Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats. The Migraine Support Formula contains 400mg of riboflavin.
- Magnesium Citrate – Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium level by taking an oral magnesium supplement. In its natural state, Magnesium Citrate works as a great reliever of constipation. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain. However, if magnesium citrate is taken in a dosage higher than 300mg, the side effects such as diarrhea or gastrointestinal irritation
- Feverfew – Feverfew is commonly associated with migraine relief due to its natural ability to obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. Feverfew also prevents inflammatory substances from developing and increasing migraine pain levels. When researched, information revealed that feverfew can help reduce vomiting when undergoing a migraine as well as decrease the severity of the migraine attack.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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