Have you ever had one of those annoying headaches that seemed to hang on for hours? Headaches such as these seem to be impossible to get rid of, over the counter medicine does not seem to be making any difference and you feel that the only that will help is beating your head with a hammer. For some, this type of headache does not occur that often (and one should be grateful if that is the case) but for others headaches with intense difficult to soothe symptoms are a chronic experience.
Migraine headaches are categorized as a chronic neurological disorder that affects millions of men and women each year. After years of suffering with migraine headaches and their draining symptoms, one gives up the hope of ever finding a migraine relief and relinquish the desire to find a migraine treatment. Why? Lack of information or knowledge could be one reason that so many continue to suffer each month with migraine headaches; another reason could be is the fear of disappointment that nothing will work to help relieve migraine pain.
Migraine treatment is available and it can make a difference in the life of those suffering with chronic migraine pain.
What are My Safe Migraine Treatment Options?
Migraine sufferers do have several migraine treatment options to choose from some pharmaceutical and others natural. Pharmaceutical options would include over the counter medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Motrin as well as prescription medication prescribed by a physician for the treatment of migraine headaches. Prescription medication would encompass anti-seizure medication, anti-depressants, Triptans or Ergots all of which have side effects and should be thoughtfully considered before use.
Natural migraine treatment is less hazardous in that there are fewer side effects as a result of use. Natural migraine treatment options would include weekly chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, physiotherapy or added dietary supplements. If used correctly, natural migraine treatment can be even more effective than prescription medication.
Will My Relief be Long-lasting?
There is no guarantee with any migraine treatment prescription or natural that complete migraine relief will be had, however, research has shown that the continual use of natural dietary supplements such as ginger, magnesium and feverfew has drastically decreased the number of migraine occurrences in a year with some reports showing a complete elimination of migraine pain. The old saying “you never know ‘til you try” can be applied here as well as “what do you have to lose?” If you have spent years trying one prescription after the next trying to find migraine relief, maybe it’s time to find a new approach to migraine relief.
Tags: Ergots, Fever Few, Ginger, Ginko Biloba, headache, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, Prescription medication, Triptans
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