Migraines and the individuals who suffer from them are often sorely misunderstood by those who have not experienced true migraine headaches. Many people who are looking in from the outside think that perhaps migraine sufferers are “overreacting” to their “headaches “and that surely it couldn’t really be that bad. After all when they themselves experience a “headache” they can just pop a few aspirin or simple over the counter medications and continue on with their day as normal. What individuals who have never experienced migraine pain fail to understand is that a migraine is most certainly not a “normal headache” and that a migraine will also include many autonomic symptoms that a sufferer will experience simultaneously along with the migraine pain itself. This condition of migraines is not one to just brush aside, for those who are lucky enough to not experience them, they should understand that studies have shown that over a billion people worldwide actually suffer from migraine headaches, to break it down even more, estimates show that almost 20 million migraine attacks take place on a daily basis. For those who may not quite get what migraine headaches are, further explanation will take place in the following section.
What is a Migraine?
The simple definition of a migraine is a severe or pulsating headache that most often occurs unilaterally (only on one side of the head), is often is associated with autonomic symptoms, and usually last anywhere from four to seventy two hours. To further explain the autonomic symptoms that can often accompany a migraine attack the most common symptoms that individuals experience along with head pain are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, diarrhea, and sensitivity to light and sound . Because all of these symptoms happen at the same time a migraine sufferer can literally be placed out of commission and unable to function normally when a migraine occurs. Unfortunately studies show that those who do suffer from migraine pain will do so on somewhat of a regular basis. So this begs the question on how to treat migraine pain and even more important how to prevent migraine headaches in the first place.
There are so many options when it comes to migraine treatment, ranging from prescription medications (although individuals need to be aware of any side effects that may be caused by medications), therapies, and natural treatments. Migraine sufferers need to be aware of all of their options, both conventional and natural, and weigh the pros and cons of those treatments to find which option will work best for them and be the healthiest for their bodies. For those individuals who do not suffer from migraines, first of all they should consider themselves lucky, and second of all maybe next time there is a family member or friend who is experiencing a true migraine attack a little more sympathy might be given after reading this article and understanding a little more about migraine headaches and the havoc they create.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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