The ingredients within the Migraine Support Formula could be considered the paints from which a masterpiece is created. They are work so fluidly together that they cause no side effects in the migraine sufferer; this is an amazing claim because so many prescription medications have multiple, harmful side effects. Now, before I go into detail on the ingredients within this migraine treatment, let’s engage in a brief discourse of the causes and effects a migraine has on millions of individuals every year.
A migraine occurs when blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge and expand. This expanding releases a chemical into the brain which attacks the arteries in the brain; this causes the immense and throbbing pain associated with vascular headaches or migraines. Throughout the four stages of the migraine process, many symptoms plague the sufferer such as: vomiting, vertigo, cognitive deficiencies, loss of motor functionality, nausea, fatigue, loss of eyesight in part or on one side, headache pain, dizziness and even hallucinations. Many times unknowingly, this total process is started by a trigger; a trigger is the catalyst for the migraine chain reaction. Triggers are different for each person and must be identified if you intend to fight for freedom from the migraine chains. Some of the triggers might be: bright light, humidity, certain foods, caffeine-enriched drinks, weather changes, sleep depravity, fatigue, hunger, some smells like perfume, body odor or even smoking. Try to avoid these triggers when at all possible.
What’s What
Here are some of the natural herbs, vitamins and minerals that comprise the migraine treatment known as the Migraine Support Formula:
- Coenzyme Q10 – Q10 is an important compound because it is apart of the cellular respiration process, specifically eliminating free radicals and stopping oxidation. Most illnesses are cause by the oxidation of normal, healthy cells. Q10 is a natural anti-oxidant you probably didn’t even know about.
- Valerian – This herb has been used for centuries as a great sedative with of course no side effects. It has put into tea as a sleepy time tea and when it comes to migraines, sleep will help stop the migraine symptoms of pain and vertigo so valerian is a vital component to this migraine treatment.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Coenzyme Q10, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, Valerian
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