If you experience migraine headaches, you probably have come up with treatments that you can do at home to help with the pain and other symptoms of your headache. On that line, here are some things that others have done at home to help with symptoms. Understand that most of these home remedies are taken from anecdotal evidence and not from proper medical research.
Be Well Hydrated
Dehydration can be a big cause of headaches. Water is important for all bodily functions. Since our bodies are about 70 percent water, it is important to be sure to get enough water in the system. Drink plenty of water to help prevent headaches.
Use Caffeine
Caffeine is a double-edged sword. It can help headaches because it restricts blood vessels. But be aware that in some people, overuse of caffeine can cause a rebound headache and worsen symptoms in an existing one. You would need to try it to see if this would work for your migraine.
Use a Headband
This is an ancient practice and there is no evidence on how it came to be practiced, but some people claim it really works. Tie a headband around your head. See if it works for you.
Use Fish Oil
People who use this treatment claim that the fish oil reduces inflammation and works by restricting blood vessels in the temples. Although there is no sound evidence for this, you can try it.
Use Peppermint Oil
Rub peppermint oil on the part of your head that hurts. People say that it works.
Use Herbs
Eat ginger or take ginger capsules. No one knows how this really works, but it helps reduce nausea. Try it and see.
Butterbur is considered one of the best “natural medicines”. It is also called petasites. Butterbur is a plant that is grown in Germany. Extensive studies have been done on butterbur. Taken in pill form, this substance is very effective in treating migraine headache and asthma, as well as alleviating upset stomachs.
Use Magnesium
This remedy has been studied and when taken from 400 to 600 milligrams every day, magnesium has been shown very effective for menstrual-associated migraines and migraines with aura. However, too much magnesium may cause diarrhea, so try to balance it out.
Use Vitamins
Vitamin B2 can be a migraine preventive if taken in sufficient amounts, such as doses of 400 milligrams a day. This vitamin can make some people urinate more frequently or have darker urine so the dose sometimes has to be adjusted
Taking 300 milligrams of CoenzymeQ10 has been proven effective in reducing head pain. The only down side of this is that it can be expensive.
Use Cold or Hot Compresses
This is another remedy that some people use and say it really works. There is no evidence to support why this should work. Maybe it provides a placebo affect or maybe it takes the focus off the pain for the patient. Whatever it does, some people swear by it.
You may have your own remedy for migraine headaches. Some remedies are quite unusual but people say they work. If you haven’t been able to find one that works for you, try some of these. Who knows, one of them may be just the ticket for controlling your migraine symptoms.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic care, herbal supplements, home remedies, Massage Therapy, Migraine Support Formula, natural migraine treatment
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