When suffering with a migraine headache, the migraine sufferer wants nothing more than to find a dark room to hide in till migraine relief can be found from the intense pounding that threatens their functionality. After years of suffering with debilitating migraine headaches, patience is hard to come by when searching for a migraine treatment. The need for migraine relief becomes so intense that wisdom, careful thought and consideration for the future does not come into play when selecting a treatment option.
Doctors often prescribe migraine medication to help alleviate migraine symptoms. Migraine symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and even diarrhea can force individuals to miss work and seek solitude. Prescription medications such as antidepressants, antiseizure medicine and blood pressure medicine is often prescribed as a form of migraine treatment. Triptans and Ergots are also forms of migraine treatments that doctors hand out to migraine patients. Though these forms of prescription medications have been known to help temporarily relieve migraine headaches, they do come with several side effects and warnings that should be read over carefully before use.
Side effects such as depression, mood swings, and thoughts of suicide, sleep deprivation, fatigue, heart attacks and strokes are all risk factors to be concerned with when taking prescription medication. Doctors will often say that the risks are less hazardous than the condition itself so there should be few concerns with taking the medication – this statement might be relevant to some but is not the reality for all. Medication that has the ability to affect ones thoughts, mood and functionality should be thoughtfully considered as well as possible alternatives that would deem the same results, but in a safer method.
Migraine Treatment Alternatives
Prescription medication is not for everyone, so there is a need for migraine treatment alternatives. Thankfully, there are safer alternatives to treating migraines such as:
- Chiropractic Manipulation
- Acupuncture
- Physiotherapy
- Herbal
Safer is always better in that the use of natural remedies such as Ginger, Fever Few, Riboflavin and Magnesium Citrate are not foreign chemicals and are not substances that can cause a severe bodily reaction. Chronic Migraine sufferers should note that clinical studies have shown that the right combination of herbal ingredients can be more effective in reducing migraine occurrences and migraine symptoms than prescription medication.
Tags: headache, herbal, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, natural remedies, treating migraines
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