If everything in life was as easy as swallowing a pill, then life would be so much more simple and less stressful when it comes to determining which form of treatment is the most effective at helping aid in our care and well being. Though it would be a simple approach to treatment, one must also consider the effects that it could potentially create in the body. Bodies are uniquely designed so as not to turn on itself but to use its natural functions to help heal it and restore it to good health.
By adding foreign substances into the body to treat whatever is ailing, it could have a negative effect if the wrong treatment is used. For example, migraine headaches are a common chronic condition that affects millions of men and women each year. Migraine headaches are the leading cause for missed work and for good reason. Functioning while enduring a migraine is nearly impossible due the cognitive confusion and the congestion that can fill a head as a result of the pain associated with a migraine. So what is one supposed to when they live with chronic migraine headaches?
Triptans And Ergots
There are several different migraine treatment options that migraine sufferers can choose from some of which do involve pill swallowing but most of which are natural and holistic in nature. Prescription medication is just one option of many that can help relieve migraine pain. There are pros and cons of using prescription medication the pros would be that prescription medication is an effective tool for treating migraines and has indeed helped some migraine patients find relief. Triptans and Ergots are two treatments that work by constricting or narrowing the blood vessels in hopes of preventing a migraine.
The restricting or the narrowing of the blood vessels limits the blood vessels ability to expand and causing severe head pain. The cons to prescription medication is that several severe side effects can be caused as a result of the narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels which then leads could then lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Prescription medications are helpful in the reliving of migraine headaches, but a migraine sufferer needs to ask his or her self several questions before aggressing to using them such as:
- Am I healthy enough?
- Are there any other treatments that will work?
- Are the headaches I am having severe enough to warrant the risk?
- Am I willing to subject myself to further heath complications?
Asking these difficult questions can help make a more informed and safe decision about the use of prescription medication.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Ergots, migraine attack, migraine relief, migraine treatment, Migraines, Prescription medication, treating migraines, Triptans
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