Chiropractic care or spinal manipulation therapy has been a recognized method of migraine treatment for quite some time. More specifically, research has shown in regards to the case of tension and migraine headaches, manipulative (or spinal adjustments) therapy can be as effective as any other preventative medications in aiding to keep off the inception of migraines. However, if a migraine has taken place and begins, chiropractic therapy, a holistic and natural method, can also greatly reduce the head pain and other symptoms if migraine treatment is given in a timely manner.
How Chiropractic Care Works
Research has shown that many individuals who suffer from migraines often see their origination from the spine, often because of misalignment of the vertebra which then can irritate the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain, thus causing the migraine. Some research has shown that manipulating the vertebrae, exactly what a chiropractic adjustment happens to be, can help to relieve the pressure against inflamed nerves and can in turn bring liberation from the headaches. Chiropractic migraine treatment also deals with many of the causative factors to migraines such as relieving the restraint in movement in the neck, muscle tightness in the neck, as well as muscle stiffness in the upper back and shoulders which when not improved can lead to posture problems that may influence migraine incidences. If appropriately used as a form of preventative migraine treatment periodic adjustments (or spinal manipulations) can keep the spine and cervical bones aligned properly to help the individual to avoid the onset of migraines in the first place. Studies have even shown that individuals who receive regular intermittent adjustments can actually begin to feel when their spine and cervical bones begin to get out of line and a simple visit to the chiropractor’s office for an adjustment can work wonders for both migraine treatment and prevention.
Additional Treatments
Chiropractors most frequently use spinal manipulation as their main method for migraine treatment; however, there are other complementary treatments that many chiropractors use alongside of adjustments in order to more holistically treat migraines. Some of the other holistic treatments consist of the use of massage therapy or acupuncture. Massage therapy can be a more relaxing way to deal with constricted muscles that may cause migraines. A chiropractor can also use ultrasound along with deep tissue massage to in order allow relief to taut muscles, and in fact, many studies have shown that when used alongside spinal manipulation a better outcome for adjustment can be acquired. Acupuncture is another migraine treatment often used within the chiropractic setting. It is important that an appropriately trained person oversee this type of therapy, but research has shown that the pain relief associated with migraines and acupuncture, the effects can last for months. Additional studies have shown that acupuncture is useful as an alternative for pain management.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, chiropractic manipulation, Chronic migraine, headache, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraines, natural treatment, neurological condition
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