Migraine headaches are a growing problem in today’s world. Migraines are not a regular headache. Migraine headaches often occur on one side of the face in most cases. It is rare that a migraine occurs on both sides but it is possible. Migraine headaches typically come with some form of warning like disturbances in vision, mood changes or food cravings. Migraines, unlike regular headaches, can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. The pain can become so severe that the person cannot function until the migraine passes. It can be completely disabling. The best thing to do is recognize these warnings and head the migraine off at the pass by taking medication before the pain starts. With the many side effects that come with the use of prescription medications it is becoming more common place to search out natural alternatives to prescription pain killers.
Natural Alternative Pain Killers
Herbal supplements are an excellent way to fight migraine pain. Many studies have shown great success with herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is nothing new and has been around for centuries but it is gaining momentum in today’s world due to the negative issues that come with prescription drugs. Taking herbal supplements either in tea form or capsules will help reduce migraine pain. The herbs listed below can be purchased at most health food stores or through online vitamin and supplement retailers.
• Butterbur
• Feverfew
• Valerian
• Ginger
• Jamaican Dogwood
• Gingko
Nutrient Rich Diet
A major contributor to the cause of migraines is vitamin deficiencies. Making sure that your diet is filled with proper vitamins and nutrients has many healing effects on the body’s nervous system and immune system. Keeping the nervous system and immune responses operating at their optimal levels will help prevent migraines from occurring. Foods that contain antioxidants like berries, green tea, apples, and spinach will help fight against free radical activity that threatens the nerve structures. CQ10 is an excellent migraine pain fighter and can be found in foods like broccoli, spinach and whole grains. CQ10 is also used to prevent migraines from occurring and could be taken through supplement form. When taking a holistic approach to migraines the rule to live by is “If it doesn’t rot or grow, just say NO.
Tags: blurred vision, constipation, migraine attack, migraine headahces, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, vomiting
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