All my life I have been known as an individual that was high risk; even as a young child, I remember hearing that phrase and wanting to scream what is wrong with me but never understood why or had many options to change it. High risk can mean a lot of things but in the case of chronic migraines it implies that there are certain traits, genetic forces and issues that could put an individual in a higher bracket of developing chronic migraines. Nobody wants to be considered high risk but unfortunately there is little that can be done to change some of the risk factors.
Migraine headaches are miserable things to endure and encounter on a continual basis. The symptoms of a migraine are easy to miss therefore making the treating of a migraine even more challenging. There is only a small window of opportunity for a migraine prone individual to seek and implement a migraine treatment and that is during the first signs of a migraine. The preemptive warning signs would include fatigue, food cravings, obsessive yawning and bouts of depression. For those that are at a higher risk of developing a migraine, be made aware of the symptoms just listed so that you can implement a treatment quickly and effectively.
Are You At Rick?
The following is a list of things that could place you into a bracket of being at risk of chronic migraines. If you fall into one or more of the categories, it is important that you speak with a medical professional and learn what your options are in regards to migraine treatment.
Age – Those between the ages of 15-55 are at a higher risk of living with chronic migraine pains several times throughout a year or even a month.
Gender – 18% of all migraine sufferers are women. It seems as though women make up the majority of the migraine population. Studies have shown that the reason this may be so has to do with a woman’s hormones and the fluctuation of estrogen.
Genetics – Family history of migraines leaves a person more susceptible to migraines.
These as well as a long medical history all play a role in making one person at a higher risk than another.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, migraine attack, migraine relief, migraine risk factors, Migraines, neurological condition, symptoms, treating migraines
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