It is midnight and you can’t sleep because you can’t stop your head from throbbing. You try to stumble to the medicine cabinet for something to make it stop, and wince when you turn the light on because of course, the light makes it so much worse.
Is this a familiar story to you? You are one of millions worldwide that suffer from migraines and I need to let you in on a little secret. Unless you are one who enjoys pain, the description above doesn’t have to describe you! There are several herbal approaches for migraine victims such as yourself and your loved ones and we’re going to discuss a few briefly here:
– 400 mg daily doses of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) has shown marked results for reducing the frequency of migraines in adults
– Daily doses between 400 and 700 mg of Magnesium has also been proven to reduce the frequency of migraines
– Therapeutic grade essential oils, specifically Peppermint also has thousands of testimonials for migraines melting away in just minutes by applying it on the temple, inside your wrists, and massaging it into the back of your neck. It is very important however to use only pure therapeutic grade oils. Imitation oils can cause skin reactions and be less effective for treatment.
– While not specifically an herbal approach for migraine victims, a holistic approach nonetheless is a good chiropractic neck adjustment. Often times a migraine can be attributed to a misalignment in the neck and a few visits can provide a world of relief.
– There is a product called the Migraine Support Formula that is an all natural herbal approach that was created by the husband searching for an herbal approach for migraine victims, namely his wife. He created a special formula that is all natural and has helped countless users eliminate migraines from their life altogether.
These options listed above are all excellent choices for treating chronic migraines, as well as preventing them, so you can get your life back and stop falling victim to the immobilization that a migraine can bring.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, herbal, herbal remedies, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, Natural Ingredients, natural migraine treatment
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