Headaches and migraines both may be painful and cause an upset in one’s schedule but a migraine headache is not a headache. Migraine headaches and headaches are often used simultaneously in the context of being the same when in reality they are two very different things. A headache is just that a headache, whereas a migraine headache if a reoccurring problem or concern is a neurological condition. Headaches can cause a temporary disturbance for a few hours but a migraine headache can cause a delay in life for several days.
Headaches are very easily treatable with simple over the counter medicines. Very few symptoms are associated with a headache other than mild head pain that usually dissipates within a few hours if the head pain being felt is truly a headache. If the pain lingers and other symptoms such as nausea begin to occur, then the pain being felt may not be a headache after all but a migraine. Learning the differences may take time at first but once an individual learns what symptoms are unique to a headache and which symptoms are connected with a migraine, then he or she can learn how to best treat their pain.
Migraine Explained
A migraine headache is considered to be a neurological concern due to the effect a migraine can have on the chemicals in the brain. As a migraine develops, the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge; as the blood vessels enlarge, they begin to release a harmful chemical into the brain to attack the brains arteries. The attacking of the brains arteries causes the onset of several symptoms that have the power to leave a migraine prone individual struggling to contain his or her composure.
Migraine symptoms start off as a throbbing or pounding sensation in the head and over time the throbbing and pounding worsens to the point of blurred vision and other debilitating symptoms such as vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine headaches are not able to be treated with over the counter medicines therefore more focused treatments must be used if migraine relief is wanted.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine headache, migraine relief, Migraines, over the counter medicines, symptoms, treating migraines
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