It is said, “Darkness is the absence of light.” I believe it. Light can be such an amazing thing. It illuminates a dark room, giving sight to all in the place. It can expose flaws that would easily be hidden if kept in a darkened place. Light can also be a warning to traveling sailors of approaching rocks. And if walking along a dim path, light can guide your step so that you can keep yourself from tripping over some unexpected obstacle. Light, however, can be one of the most potent and destructive triggers of migraine known today. Because of it’s piercing abilities, light can sear through your eyes and start the catalytic chain-reaction of your terrible migraine headache. Although daylight many time causes the trigger, fluorescent lights have become more of a problem than most people realize. Also, have you considered a computer screen light? It combined with the refresh rate can play havoc on the eyes, thus triggering a migraine in a lot of cases.
Don’t Be A Morlock
In a quiet, dark room is where you will stay, wishing your migraine would go away. Did you know that the #1 reason for absences at work is from migraines? Yeah….not cool. So what can we do? Do we avoid the light altogether and become a morlock or is there a better solution? I think there is. Once you have identified what events trigger your migraine attacks, you can then focus on the best migraine treatment options for you. There are many migraine treatment that will help minimize the frequency and intensity of your migraine and give you a faster recovering time. Here are 2 pendulum swings of migraine treatments:
- Prescription Medication – If you like side effects, then this is the perfect solution for you. The two most popular options here are triptans and ergots which are jam packed full of side effects. In fact, they can cause more problems via side effects than they can solve in migraine relief. In some, they have even created a heart attack.
- Natural Supplements – Using natural supplements such as the Migraine Support Formula, you can drastically eliminate migraines in your life and do it without the side effects.
Tags: headache, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment
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