The debate between prescription medications and the use of a natural means to relieve migraine pain has been about for decades. There are benefits to both prescription medications as well as a natural approach to migraine relief, but there will come a time when a migraine sufferer will have to choose. Prescription medications are often tied to several complicated and even life threatening side effect whereas the use of natural migraine treatments are safe as well as effective.
If you are on the fence about the use of natural migraine treatment than hopefully after reading this article you will feel a bit more comfortable in making the choice to use a natural based treatment plan. There are several different natural approaches to migraine treatment such as the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care or the use of herbal supplements. One of the appeals to prescription medications has to do with the ease of use. With migraine medications nothing more but a simple pill is taken and magically migraine pain is supposed to decrease as well as the frequency of the migraine, but that is not always the case.
Herbal Supplement
The Migraine Support Formula is a natural migraine treatment that uses the natural ingredients to help soothe or relieve migraine pain. The Migraine Support Formula uses the ease of a pill without the adverse side effects. The following is a list of the natural ingredients used in this powerful formula.
Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the number of migraine attacks were reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
5 – Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP is an amino acid found in food and is a forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By adding more 5-HTP one can raise their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition.
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins.
Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats
Tags: Acupuncture, Butterbur, Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, migraine headaches, Migraine releif, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, Natural Ingredients, neurological condition
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