Often, it is almost painful to sit back and be patient and wait for advice, help or counsel regarding our health and our making decisions regarding our health. Fear, worry or downright frustration often prompts us to move forward without thinking or contemplating the end result of our decision. When contemplating a migraine treatment, patience may be the most challenging thing of all. Migraine headaches rob a person of their ability to function at a normal capacity and can leave an individual incapacitated for several days forcing them to miss out on time with family and work.
Due to the physiological changes that take place in the brain when a migraine is experienced, it is vital that professional medical advice is gained before moving forward with just any form of migraine treatment. Getting the go ahead from a medical professional is that will improve your odds and chances of attaining an effective migraine treatment that will not only ease migraine pain but decrease migraine frequencies and the duration of the migraine. Without an effective migraine treatment, migraine occurrences will only continue and the quality of life decreased.
Where To Start
The first place to start when looking for a migraine treatment is in the office of your attending physician. Your medical professional will most likely request a headache journal. A headache journal logs symptoms, frequencies and possible triggers you may come in contact with. Once a journal has been kept and viewed, your physician may ask for a headache history before considering any form of medication.
Research through the internet or advice from a nutritionist can help give insight on what foods are safe to eat and that do not qualify as a migraine trigger. Internet research can be beneficial in helping read about different treatment options and their success rates.
Treatment Options
There are several different treatment options that your medical professional may want you to consider such as prescription medication or physiotherapy. Before agreeing to the use of prescription medications, make sure you research all possible side effects and health risks. Holistic approaches to migraine treatment may encompass:
- Acupuncture
- Massage Therapy
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Vitamin Supplements
- Herbal Supplements
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal remedies, Magnesium Citrate, migraine, migraine attack, migraine treatment, treating migraines
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