One of the most frustrating illnesses to become diagnosed with is migraine as there is no cure for migraines at this point in history and there are so many symptoms that can debilitate the sufferer to the point of exhaustion. It is because of those symptoms that migraines have the distinct ability to incapacitate their victims for several hours, if not several days. Now millions of Americans suffer from migraines every year and it is no surprise that migraines are one of the top five reasons for people missing work due to an illness. The only way for a chronic migraine sufferer to see any relief in their life is to utilize a consistent migraine treatment which could anything from prescription medication or chiropractic care. Recently, researchers have proven that by balancing some of the deficiencies in the body such as Vitamin B2 or 5-HTP, migraine sufferers can get a handle on their chronic condition in a safe and productive way.
Different Migraine Treatment Options
The only relief a migraine sufferer might have is to use a migraine treatment option; there are many options available but you should consult with you primary care physician to determine which of the following migraine treatments is best for you and your health.
- Acupuncture – Needles are the things that most people fear in doctor visits but if they are placed properly, you can have amazing results concerning ailments such as migraine headaches. The Chinese believe that the body is like many roads flowing with energy. If one of these paths are clogged, then you result in injury or sickness. So through the use of specific pressure points pricked, you can unhinge the roadways and the energy can flow freely once more.
- Coenzyme Q10 – Coenzyme Q10 is found inside the body’s cells and is the key to proper function within the cell, it has also been shown to have beneficial effects for patients that seek migraine treatment.
- Massage Therapy – By unknotting the sub-occipital muscles that go down your neck and back, you can calm most migraine symptoms and soften the migraine itself. NO DEEP TISSUE – this will only make things worse.
- Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is an excellent preventative migraine treatment because studies have shown that it can decrease the frequency and severity of a migraine for some patients. When taken in supplemental form it is best to take vitamin B2 with food as it is more easily absorbed into the stomach.
Tags: Acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol), migraine pain, migraine relief, Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), over the counter medication, treating migraines
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