The Migraine Support Formula was created by the Migraine Treatment Group to minimize the effects that the migraine symptoms can have on an individual. The ingredients were discovered from places all over the world and even here at home in the United States. The Formula is a precise combination of all-natural vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements which together provide the safest and most effective treatment for migraines on the market today. Below, we will discuss a few of the ingredients and then the process that happen when going through a migraine.
This daisy look-a-like plant has been used for many years in its native habitat of the Balkins andSouth Argentinaas a great supplement to aid healing. Feverfew can be used as a fever reducer and a mild pain reliever as well.
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine is an important vitamin of the B-Vitamin complex group. Throughout a migraine, you can experience a level of depression or anxiety which can be very crippling as this condition of the mind distorts the reality of the situation. Pyridoxine affects change by increasing the diminished serotonin levels in the brain which affect mood and attitude. This vitamin will help you when you are going though the first and last stage of the migraine process called the Prodrome and Postdrome.
Magnesium Citrate
This mineral compound can be used effectively in the prophylaxis of migraines. Magnesium Citrate is the most successful toward this goal when used in conjunction with Riboflavin and Coenzyme Q10. Magnesium Citrate used by itself has proven to be a good laxative and will calm any constipation you might experience during the Prodrome stage of the migraine.
The Process
Once a migraine sufferer experiences a migraine trigger, the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand and enlarge as the migraine process begins. The expanding blood vessels in the brain will cause a chemical to be released into the brain. This chemical will attack the arteries in the brain, thus causing the immense pain associated with migraine headaches. This pain and other symptoms will not cease until the blood vessels, which caused this whole process, return back to their original size and thickness.
Tags: Feverfew, Ginger, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Niacin, Riboflavin, Valerian, Vitamin B2
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