First time migraine sufferers prepare for a quick education on migraine headaches. After reading this article, you will most likely walk away with a whole new idea and perspective what migraines are, how they are treated and what causes them. Migraine headaches are more complex than just a headache. A migraine headache is actually considered to be a neurological condition that affects the brain. How? Blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge releasing harmful chemicals into the brain that goes and attacks the brains arteries.
The attacking of the brains arteries brings about a whole slew of migraine symptoms.
Migraine symptoms develop over the course of the migraine and worsen as the blood vessels enlarge. The symptoms associated with migraines differ from patient to patient and can leave a migraine patient immobile for up to three days. The most common complained about migraine symptoms would include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Cognitive Confusion
- Intense Pounding
- Throbbing
- Sensitivity To Light
Migraine symptoms do not dissipate until the worse of the migraine is over and even then a new series of symptoms linger for a day or two after the worst of the migraine is over leaving the migraine sufferer feeling weak, sore and tired.
The causes for migraines are still unknown; however research has shown that there are several deciding factors that play a part in the onset of a migraine. Migraine triggers are said to be factors in the development of a migraine as well as gender, sex, age as well as current health concerns.
Migraine triggers can vary from physiological to environmental.
- Stress
- Sleeping Habits
- Foods
- Weather
- Caffeine
- Odors
- Lighting
Migraine triggers, if known, can be avoided and helps lessen the migraine frequencies one endures.
Treatment for migraine headaches can be found and implemented in order to help reduce the occurrences of migraines but are unable to provide a migraine sufferer with a 100% guarantee that they will no longer endure migraine pain. Migraine treatment consists of several possible solutions such as prescription medication, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments as well as herbal supplements.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, enlarged blood vessels, herbal, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, Migraine releif, migraine symptoms, Throbbing
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