As a kid when you hurt yourself or scrape your knee, you run into where your mom is and ask her for a Band-Aid or for some relief from the pain you are feeling. Most of the time she would provide said relief, yet there are times when relief could not come from her hand and you had to just endure it. Well, enduring has been to plight of every migraine sufferer up until now. We don’t have a cure per say, but we do have some relief to give found in the Migraine Support Formula. Here are some of the crucial ingredients:
Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats. The Migraine Support Formula contains 400 mg of riboflavin. No toxic or adverse effects of high riboflavin intake are known in humans.
Ginko Biloba
Ginko Biloba is a powerful antioxidant made popular by its ability to help improve blood circulation in both the body and the brain. Ginko Biloba is possibly one of most well-known herbal remedies and can be used in the treatment of migraine headaches. The reason that Ginko Biloba makes for such a great treatment options is its ability to hinder platelet aggregation. This powerful antioxidant possesses flavonoids and terpenoids which have been tested to show that they help dilate blood vessels which in return surges blood flow. After clinical studies were done on the use of Ginko Biloba as a treatment for migraines information was returned stating that migraine attacks were drastically reduced because of the use of Ginko
5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
5 – Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP is an amino acid found in food and is a forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By adding more 5-HTP one can raise their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 works as histamine and has shown to help lessen histamine-induced migraines by increasing diamine oxidase activity
Tags: . The Migraine Support Formula, Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium Citrate, natural migraine treatment, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, White Willow Bark Extract
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