Women are emotional to begin with but to add on top of our already somewhat emotional wellbeing a migraine headache then what you have is an emotional rollercoaster to deal with. Migraine headaches are very painful and there millions of people that have no clue just how painful a migraine attach can be; therefore, they have a hard time understanding the emotional rollercoaster that a women rides while enduring one. Maybe I should take this a step further and state that women are not the only gender that rides an emotional rollercoaster while enduring a painful migraine.
Men like to think they are tough and in many ways they are but when it comes to being sick or dealing with pain, they can be just as big of a pansy as a female can – migraines are not exception. The emotional and physical response one has to a migraine has nothing to do with his or her ability to handle pain or not but with how their body responds to the chemical and physiological changes that the migraine is causing. Migraine are not a normal headache that comes and then leaves quickly, migraine headaches are a neurological condition that literally changes the chemicals in the body during its duration.
Bodily Changes
The changes that occur in the body as a result of a migraine are both chemical and physical. The chemical changes occur while the blood vessels in the brain begin to enlarge. As the blood vessels enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain that then begins to attack the brains arteries thus causing a series of physical changes such as color, cognitive abilities, visual capabilities and bodily movements. Migraine symptoms are debilitating and decrease an individual’s ability to be productive or responsible for any of his or her normal tasks such as child care and other domesticated areas.
Migraines can last up to seventy two hours and causing more and more limitations as the time passes. Migraine treatment is the only effective way one can reduce the migraine pain and the emotional rollercoaster that a migraine can cause.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, neurological condition, treating migraines
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