Migraine treatment can be a difficult ebb to wade through, especially if you don’t want to be inconvenienced with some evasive treatment. Some of the most evasive treatments are acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractic adjustment. Now these are effective treatments for migraine headaches but they require time and energy from out of their day. There are other treatments that require no time and little energy from out of that person’s day; some of these are safe while other come with side effects that hurt the user. Prescription medication that is used for the prophylaxis of migraines is really just high blood pressure meds and was never just designed for migraine headaches. The other is the all-natural alternative found in the Migraine Support Formula. This treatment is both safe and non-evasive.
Understanding How Migraines Works
For those who are unaware of how a migraine develops the complicated procedure is about to be summarized in an effective simple way. Migraine headaches develop in the brain, a migraine is formed when a migraine trigger is encountered. Once a trigger has been encountered the body begins to react chemically. The blood vessels in the brain begin to expand and cause a throbbing/pounding sensation to occur. This throbbing / pounding sensation continues until the blood vessels reach their full expansion or migraine relief is implemented. A harmful chemical is released into the brain sometime throughout the blood vessel expansion. This chemical begins to attack the brains arteries thus releasing a whole slew of miserable migraine symptoms like nausea, vomiting constipation, blurred vision and cognitive difficulties.
Magnesium Citrate
Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium level by taking an oral magnesium supplement. In its natural state, Magnesium Citrate works as a great reliever of constipation. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain. However, if magnesium citrate is taken in a dosage higher than 300mg, side effects, such as diarrhea or gastrointestinal irritation, might be a probable annoyance. This magnesium citrate is one of the special ingredients that make the Migraine Support Formula one of the best migraine treatment options around.
Symptoms To Feel
Migraine headaches are often spurred by daily activities that though seem small and insignificant can actually increase the onset of a migraine such as walking upstairs for example. Migraine headaches often start revealing signs several hours and even days before attacking in full force. A shocking 40% of most migraines have preemptive signs before striking an individual helpless. Symptoms of a migraine headache can vary from moderate to intense and can affect people differently, however, listed below are the more common symptoms associated with and described by migraine headache sufferers.
• Nausea
• Sensitivity to light and sound
• Diarrhea
• An intense throbbing, pounding feeling typically located on one side of the forehead
o Pain can also generate in the back of the head
o Pain can formulate right above one eye
o The pain is often described as unilateral meaning the pain is typically felt or experienced on one side of the head.
• Paleness
• Vomiting
• Coldness in the hands and feet
White Willow Bark
White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins. Salix is the primary core compound which is the chief ingredient in the OTC, Aspirin.
Lessen The Migraine Pain
To help lessen migraine frequencies, shorten migraine duration and minimize the discomfort levels that arise with the onset of a migraine the migraine victim must first find a migraine treatment. Finding a migraine treatment can be bothersome and ineffective if the wrong treatments keep being administered. Most migraine treatments are found by trial and error if the first few treatments do not work then the patient is forced to keep looking till he or she finds one that does.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 is responsible for several reactions that a body experiences. B3 helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol while regulating blood sugar levels. B3 when used creates a flushing of the face and with the flushing of the face the migraine is flushed right out of the system. One study done on the benefits of Vitamin B3 in relieving migraines revealed that 81% of people suffering from migraines found relief when treating their migraine with B3.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment
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