There is often a misconception that migraines are brought on spontaneously and without warning. Migraine headaches often start revealing signs several hours and even days before attacking in full force. A shocking 40% of most migraines have preemptive signs before striking an individual helpless. Migraines inflict more than twenty million people causing the family unit to suffer a loss of financial income, productivity as well as valuable time together as a result of the painful migraine symptoms that hinders one’s ability to maintain composure when being inflicted with a migraine headache.
Most migraines sufferers experience migraines on a recurring basis, thus making it important that they are made aware of what preemptive warning signs are and how they can lessen their chances of suffering from an intense migraine that renders them immobile. The warning sides that tell if a migraine is on the verge of breaking through may be overlooked or explained away, however if these warning signs are noted and charted migraines can be stopped before they get started.
• Sleepiness is often explained away by an overactive brain, bed discomfort and a million other reasons but drowsiness is a sign that a migraine might be in the near future.
• Sudden irritability or changes in mood. Irritability can often be chalked away as not having had a good night’s rest, be cautious of overlooking unexplained irritability.
• Fatigue
• Bouts of depression
• Obsessive yawning
• Cravings for foods high in sugar of lathered in salt
Symptoms such as the ones mentioned might go unnoticed by most, but those that suffer with frequent migraine headaches should take note of the warnings signs, chart them and prepare for the onset of a migraine headache.
Make These Changes Immediately
By simply making a few changes to their normal routine, men and women will notice fewer migraine attacks during a single month. Some simple steps to reducing migraine headaches are:
• A set scheduled time for going to bed and waking each morning.
• Having a daily exercise regime – exercise has proven to help improve quality of life for individuals suffering from various conditions from diabetes to migraine headaches. Individuals who are not physically fit are more prone to migraine attacks.
• Avoid skipping meals and long bouts of fasting.
• Avoid stress (if possible) – exercise can help release negative endorphins and research has proven that daily exercise can help improve mood and improve clarity of thought.
• Refrain from overuse of caffeine do not consume more than two caffeinated beverages in a given day.
• Bright and flashing lights are often associated with migraines therefore keep protective eyewear on hand and avoid places with flashing lights.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, herbal, Magnesium Citrate, Massage Therapy, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Prescription medication
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