There is nothing wrong with being cautious. There is a reason that life comes with so many rules and regulations, without them people would be running stop signs, driving on the wrong side of the road or walking out of the store without paying for items. Rule breakers are those individuals that love to live on the edge and throw caution to wind, but often find his or herself in trouble, injured or dead. There are those that need to practice caution even more so than others and those individuals would fall into the category of chronic migraine sufferers.
A chronic migraine sufferer has every reason to be cautious because if he or she chooses to throw caution to the wind he or she may wind up with several health complications much worse than the migraines he or she was suffering with before. Throwing caution to the wind in regards to migraine treatment is not a good idea in fact it can be very harmful. Choosing to use a migraine treatment can be the best decisions ever made or the worse; it depends on the treatment choice made and if the choice was a safe one or not. Several practical steps a person can take in order to insure that precautions are made when treating migraines would be:
- Speak with a medical professional
- Consider all options
- Research several different treatments
- Look over clinical tests
- Read reviews and success rates
Prescription Medication
Prescription medication is a temptation for migraine sufferers due to the ease of use and their convenience. However, when it comes to migraine medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure pills, triptans and ergots, there are several side effects that come hand in hand with their use that can leave a person with further health complications such as:
- Heart Attack
- Stoke
- Kidney Failure
- Depression
- Insomnia
Prescription medications are an excellent example of why it is so important that a migraine sufferer uses caution when seeking out an effective migraine treatment. At this point in history, there is no known migraine cure making it even more important the migraine treatment implemented is a safe one because it will be used for an extended period of time.
Tags: Chronic migraine, enlarged blood vessels, Ergots, headache, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, Prescription medication, treating migraines, Triptans
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