The most frustrating thing is to try to live life with constant pain knowing that there is no cure for your condition. Unfortunately, this is the reality for the millions of people each year that struggle with the neurological condition known as migraines. These vascular headaches plague the arteries in the brain by attacking them with a released chemical. The chemical is released when blood vessels in the brain enlarge and expand; the pain and symptoms will not cease until these vessels subside their expanding. Everyone experiences different symptoms and some might include: nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, constipation, loss of motor function, loss of thought process and of course intense pain. Yet if you try to avoid the migraine’s trigger, you could stop all of these symptoms from the get go. A trigger is the catalyst which begins the onset of a migraine attack; they are usually environmental events. However, triggers, such as: humidity, dry air, weather changes, certain foods, alcohol, caffeine, back / neck tension, sleep depravity, stress and even smells like smoking or body odor, can not always be avoided as we all have responsibilities to fulfill. So you must adhere to a migraine treatment plan in order to keep a short account with your migraine occurrences. Migraine treatments should be well researched and consulted with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment works best for you and your situation.
Treatment Choices
Here are two of the possible choices available to choose from:
- Prescription Medication – There are no drugs formulated and designed specifically to fight migraines, so physicians have used blood pressure medications to help fight vascular headaches yet with many side effects to boot. Triptans and Ergots are constrictors of blood vessels and ergots constrict the blood vessels near and around the heart which is extremely dangerous. They do help in some ways in stopping migraines but they have far too many side effects to be worth the risk in my opinion. However, check with you doctor to determine the risks of your choice.
- Migraine Support Formula – This migraine treatment is a combination of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals to help minimize both effectively and efficiently the occurrences and intensity of chronic migraine attacks. It is the safest method with the least amount of side effects.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, treating migraines
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