I just finished fixing the brakes on my car…actually replacing them and it will difficult as the blots were not loosened for many years. I pulled my back and neck and now I have a headache. Most headaches are often short lived with no cause for concern there are times when a headache causes severe tension in the facial muscles putting a strain on the neck, shoulders eyes these headaches are called tension headaches and can be treated with over the counter medication. If frequent headaches (not migraines) occur and last longer than a few hours, medical attention might be needed in order to insure that the pain being felt is truly a headache and not something more. Though the silver lining on headaches seems bright, there is no cure for migraine headaches, just treatment options.
One Way Of Fixing The Problem
A relief of migraine symptoms can be found by the use of one of one of the treatments options we‘re going to mention here. WARNING>>> keep in mind that no prescription medication can prevent a migraine 100% but there are those prescription medications available that can help reduce the number of migraine attacks experienced as well as lessen the level of pain felt by the migraine sufferer. A few of the medication that a doctor might prescribe to assist with lessening the occurrence of migraines would be:
• Anti-depressants
• Anti-Seizure Medication
• Blood Pressure Medication
• Herbal
Prescription medication should be one of the last treatments tried in helping relieve migraine headaches; however, until recent years, migraine sufferers had very few options in relieving their migraine pain. New prescription medication called triptans is now available on the market and is geared toward relieving migraine pressure. Triptans have two important abilities:
1. They are able to constrict blood vessels.
2. They create an upset in the process which leads into a migraine by disturbing the sequence of chemicals that inflict pain or irritation to the nerves.
Never Put At Risk
Instead of putting yourself at risk, why don’t you choose a natural formula that can greatly reduce the frequency of your migraine attacks and minimize with most proficiency the symptoms by which you are plagued. The Migraine Support Formula, recently discovered, has the ablitity to do everything I mentioned and much more. Some people have even said that they no longer have any more migraine attacks since they have been taking the formula. Here are some of the magic making ingredients:
• White Willow Bark – White Willow Bark takes on the role of an anti-inflammatory as well as reduces pain caused by constraining prostaglandins.
• Feverfew – Feverfew is commonly associated with migraine relief due to its natural ability to obstructing the release of blood vessel dilating substances from the platelets that create migraine pain. Feverfew also prevents inflammatory substances from developing and increasing migraine pain levels. When researched, information revealed that feverfew can help reduce vomiting when undergoing a migraine as well as decrease the severity of the migraine attack.
• 5 – Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – 5 – Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5- HTP is an amino acid found in food and is a forerunner to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By adding more 5-HTP one can raise their serotonin levels in the brain while also increasing their endorphin levels helping aide in the overall improvement of their mood and disposition. It has been proven that those suffering with chronic migraines typically have low serotonin and low endorphin levels. The thought process is that low serotonin and endorphins levels make it extremely challenging to tolerate or endure pain.
• Riboflavin – Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and is helpful in relieving migraine pain because B2 is as crucial component in helping tissue respiration and the generation of energy metabolism from proteins, carbs and fats.
• Magnesium citrate – Research has shown that those who suffer from frequent migraine attacks typically have lower Magnesium levels. One can increase their intracellular magnesium level by taking an oral magnesium supplement. Tests have shown that added magnesium citrate used effectively in combination with riboflavin can have a positive effect on migraine pain.
• Butterbur – Butterbur is an herb that when used in a clinical study showed that within sixteen weeks of use the numbers of migraine attacks were reduced by half. Research from this study also concluded that the severity of migraine pain typically felt was drastically reduced.
Tags: Acupuncture, Biofeedback, chiropractic care, herbal supplements, Massage Therapy, migraine treatment, natural treatment
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