Migraines are severe headaches where the extreme pain is frequently accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting, sensitivity to light as well as sounds and smells, fatigue and irritability. Therefore, many, as a result seek out a dark and quiet room so they can rest as well as get away from the lights and sounds of everyday life. Other signs of a migraine may include blurry vision, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea, recurrent urination, paleness, or sweating. Inflammation or sensitivity of the scalp may also occur as well as stiffness in the neck; depending on the type of migraine.
Like many things in life, migraine headaches aren’t just simple and there is just one certain type. Research has found that there has been more than one specific type of migraine attack that people have suffered; therefore there are many different classifications and categories of migraines. Migraine headaches were first systematically classified in 1988. The International Headache Society then updated their classification of headaches in 2004. According to this classification and categorization migraines are major headaches in conjunction with tension type headaches as well as cluster headaches, amongst others. Migraines are divided into seven subclasses, some of which consist of even added divisions; we will discuss some of these now.
Different types of migraines:
• The most common migraine, often referred to as the “common migraine” is a migraine without aura, involves migraine headaches that are not accompanied by an aura. Pretty self-explanatory that one.
• Migraine with aura, also known as “classic migraine” or “classical migraine”, would be migraine headaches that are accompanied by an aura. An aura is a C shaped arc of flashing lights with the center as gray or blind and colored lights at the end of the C.
• A retinal migraine involves migraine headaches with visual disturbances or even temporary blindness in one eye.
• Basilar migraine the effects include a feeling like the world is spinning better known as vertigo, along with a light-headedness, as well as confusion, and can be accompanied by difficulty speaking, ringing in ears, or a number of other brainstem-related symptoms
There is still not a cure for migraines. However migraines can be managed with your doctor’s assistance. Together, you will establish ways to treat your migraines, and find productive avenues in reducing the occurrence of your migraine attacks.
Tags: migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, natural treatment, symptoms of migraines
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