The term “alternative” migraine treatment may in fact scare some individuals away. However, when referring to alternative migraine treatment options, usually these forms of migraine treatment are any type of treatment that will provide migraine relief without the use of medications. Other forms of migraine treatment can also come by adapting to specific lifestyle changes as well.
Alternative Treatments for Migraine
- Acupuncture – this alternative treatment can in fact provide migraine relief for many migraine sufferers. Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine where very fine needles are inserted into certain points of the body in order to provide effective migraine relief. It is important that a trained professional administer acupuncture for migraine treatment, but when done properly it can help to bring about decreased symptoms and migraine relief.
- Massage – Another form of alternative medicine when it comes to migraine treatment is the use of massage therapy. Massage can be especially effective when it comes to migraine treatment for headaches or migraines that are triggers by stress and/or tension. A massage therapist can help work the muscles around the head, neck, shoulders, as well as back to help increase blood flow and relieve muscle tension.
- Chiropractic – Chiropractic care is yet another form of alternative migraine treatment. Spinal manipulation or adjustments can be effective in both relieving migraine pain as well as aiding in prevention of future migraines.
Lifestyle Changes
There are some specific lifestyle changes that can be made that will in actuality affect migraine treatment and relief in an individual who commonly suffers from these attacks.
- Sleep – It is extremely important that the individual searching for migraine treatment get adequate rest. Changes in sleep, schedules, and even jet lag can affect the overall quality of sleep and in turn trigger migraines. It is important for migraine sufferers to try and maintain a regular schedule for sleep by waking and going to bed at the same time every day when possible. Another change that can be made for aiding in better sleep is to keep the room dark and cold, both of these changes can help to decrease the possibility of migraines occurring. Lastly, it is important for that seeking migraine treatment to never sleep too late. While it may seem like a good idea to “catch up on rest” during the weekend or a vacation, this can actually backfire. While it is important to get enough rest, it is also just as important to not get too much sleep as this can also become a trigger for migraines as well.
- Diet – There are a few steps to remember when it comes to nutrition and diet, as both of these do affect migraine headaches. A practice of avoiding caffeine should be undertaken whenever possible. Caffeine can seem to “help” the normal headache, but it has also been known to exacerbate and even trigger migraines in those individuals who are prone to them. A person who is seeking to find proper migraine treatment should also never skip meals. It is important for nutrition to be spread out evenly throughout the day so that blood sugar levels to not rise and fall but stay at a steadier pace, and if possible eat smaller meals during the day. There are certain foods that should be avoided for a migraine sufferer such as aged cheeses, chocolate, food additives (such as preservatives like aspartame or saccharine), alcohol, and some research even shows that avoiding cold foods (like ice cream or cold substances) is beneficial to those seeking migraine treatment. Foods that contain Tyramine, Sulphates, or Nitrates should in general be avoided as well for those who suffer from migraine headaches.
- Cessation of Smoking – It is recommended for individuals seeking migraine treatment to stop smoking if they have been doing so. Smoking lessens the oxygen flow throughout the body, increases inflammation, and is a known migraine trigger.
- Exercise – It is important that blood circulation and overall health be improved in those who are seeking to find migraine treatment. While it is true that intense and sporadic exercise might trigger migraines, on the other hand regular exercise that is done gently and regularly can reduce the frequency as well as the severity of migraine headaches.
- Relaxation – Another known trigger towards migraines is that of stress. Anyone who is seeking to find migraine treatment should find ways to properly deal with stress and be able to find relaxation when necessary. Relaxation techniques can come through the use of meditation, yoga, massage, or even just something simple like taking a bubble bath, listening to music, or taking part in a light activity that brings pleasure such as a leisurely walk or afternoon fishing.
Tags: Acupuncture, Alternative treatment, chiropractic care, herbal supplemetns, migraine treatment, Migraines, natural alternative, therapy
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