Knowing the differences between a migraine headache and your typical run of the mill headache can help chronic migraine sufferers know what their next step of migraine treatment should be. Frequent head pain is common amongst most individuals, elevated stress levels have been known to create headaches. But what classifies a migraine headache as a migraine and a headache nothing more than just a headache?
There are several differences between migraine and headaches. One being the time it takes for each to develop. A headache can come upon an individual quickly and with very little warning whereas a migraine slowly creeps in over the course of several days. The duration of a migraine vs. a headache differs as well. The duration of a headache is brief and only interferes with life’s business for a brief time and a migraine headache can linger for several days and has the potential to render its victims helpless up to seventy two hours.
Headaches are often felt on both sides of the head and feel more like a pulsating pain but once treated with over the counter medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Motrin headaches can dissipate once the medicine has been dissolved into the body. Migraines are not so easily pacified, simply taking a few over the counter pills will do very little to relieve the intense migraine pain. Migraine pain is felt on one side of the head and is described as a throbbing / pounding feeling that worsens over time.
Physiological Changes And Symptoms
Headache symptoms are often not severe; they do not limit ones productivity for long periods of time and do not create a physiological change in their victim. Migraine headaches on the other hand do create a physiological change in their victim. How? Blood vessels in the brain enlarge and release harmful chemicals that attack the brains arteries bringing forth a series of limiting migraine symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Muscle Weakness
- Vomiting
- Blurred Vision
- Diarrhea
Migraine symptoms can force an individual to miss days of work resulting in a loss of productivity at both home and work. In order to lessen the amount of time a migraine robs from their victim, it is important that those who suffer with migraine headaches seek out medical advice on migraine treatment.
Tags: headache, migraine, Migraine Medication, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, nausea, Prescription medication, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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