Household chores and migraine headaches are two miserable combinations. Neither is enjoyable and both have a negative effect on an individual and his or her family’s ability to get through a day unscathed. No one wakes up in the morning excited to get busy cleaning their house (unless they have some serious OCD issues) from top to bottom especially if he or she is prone to migraine headaches. Reportedly, everyday household chores could lead to migraine headaches.
Studies have shown that activities such as walking up and down stairs, laundry and other forms of cleaning could lead to the onset of a migraine. How is this possible? Well, for parents that have avoided stepping foot in their child’s room for several days (in fear of what they may find), it could lead to pent up stress once you do step into the room and see the horrendous mess awaiting your deep cleaning skills. Stress is a well-known migraine trigger, and a messy unorganized house could be stressful for some people hence the onset of a migraine.
Cleaning chemicals for migraine prone individual can be both a blessing and a cure. Chemicals often set off strong distinct odors that could potentially lead to a migraine making the mess seem even more frustrating and taxing. The crazy thing is migraine sufferers do not even have to leave their home to encounter possible migraine triggers to still be affected by them. Migraine triggers have a way of sneaking up on someone even in the midst of their daily chores.
We can’t go through life avoiding migraine triggers such as stress, activities and odors; they surround our daily existence therefore we must learn to adapt to our surroundings and the triggers we encounter. Migraine treatment is an important aspect of daily living for migraine prone people. One can add daily supplements into their diet to help lessen their migraine vulnerability. Supplements that are helpful with the treating of migraines would include:
- Ginger
- Gingko Biloba
- Magnesium
- Riboflavin
It is impossible to eliminate all forms of stress from your life; however there are a few steps one can take to lessen the amount of stress in their life. Regarding household responsibilities, get the children involved, each night spend ten minutes straightening up before going to bed. Prep the next day’s clothes, supplies and chores the night before. Simple life changes might be all that is needed to help lessen migraine occurrences.
Tags: Chronic migraine, Feverfew, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, headache, herbal, Magnesium, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headache, migraine relief
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13 years ago
It’s wonedfrul to have you on our side, haha!